Osmosis membrane – FilmTec™ 100 GPD (2012)

58.63  available on subscription

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Throughput: up to 378 litres per day
Dimensions: 340x340x360
Degree of filtration: up to 99%

Designed for all standard reverse osmosis systems (domestic and aquarium).

A premium reverse osmosis membrane that delivers the best quality water to . 

The original product from the USA, highly appreciated by all aquarium enthusiasts, for its excellent design, high performance, long life and ideal water parameters. The membrane is suitable for use in reverse osmosis systems RO4, RO5, RO6, RO7 and all Aquarius type standard  filters.


– water supply pressure: 2,8 – 21 atm
– water temperature: 4 – 45°C
– maximum salinity: 2000 ppm
– maximum water hardness: 400 mg CaCO3
– maximum water turbidity: 1 NTU
– pH range of the supply: 3 – 11 pH
– chlorine content of raw water: 0,1 ppm <
– maximum iron and manganese content: 0,05 ppm <
 Before the first use of the membrane should be rinsed for 1.5 hours.

Membranes are tested and approved by NSF International NSF/ANSI 58


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